Welcome! Please keep in mind that this is a commercial website that lists wallets, exchanges and other bitcoin related info.

Fusce vestibulum, elit quis maximus consequat, nunc elit fermentum orci, ac porttitor nisl ligula vitae sem. In egestas consequat fermentum. Donec dignissim eros et tincidunt venenatis. Integer pulvinar dignissim purus nec ornare. Integer nec elit est. Curabitur vehicula, mauris vel aliquam luctus, nulla ex venenatis diam, non elementum lacus ante sit amet nunc. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas fringilla mauris est. Curabitur tempus dictum amet sed.

About bitcoins

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Key people

Meet our team

People behind our success

Marcel Vossen

CEO “Rochacoin”

Marcel Vossen founded Rochacoin in 2012 after he recognized that Bitcoin has a very promising future as a cryptocurrency. Today he manages the vital processes at our company.

Anna Williams

Lead Designer

Anna Williams is our leading designer who worked on our website since its establishment and continues to improve it today adding new features that help our clients worldwide.

Ryan Johnson

Product Manager

Ryan manages Bitcoin exchange processes and introduces new cryptocurrency-related solutions and products that extend the range of our services and attract new clients from all over the world.

Get fully featured, convenient wallet

Bitcoin wallet is a perfect solution for your cryptocurrency storage needs.